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intentional gatherings to bond with your girls before the big day

concious hen's parties

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What is a concious hen's party?

A shift from the old paradigm, a concious gathering is a drug and alcohol free event, curated around the values of intention, self-expression, connection, and culture, whilist supporting personal development, learning and wellbeing. As we yearn for more meaningful moments with our significant ones, we rid the days of excessive booze, hangovers and foggy regrets


Our concious hen's parties are alchohol-free and designed to deepen connection, provide opportunity for reflection and explore a more expansive friendship before the bride transitions into a new level of partnership. This celebratory day weaves movement, sensation and a new skill to cultivate a beautiful, safe and memorable journey together.


We curate this experience specifically to your desires for the bride. You may choose through various offerings following a general structure as follows; Opening with a Women's Circle and Cacao Ceremony, moving into embodiment practices of choice and playful workshops to explore the feminine nature and sensual side.





 bespoke gatherings designed specifically for you

~ at home, in nature, or venue of your desire.




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honouring your transitions & Evolution of friendship
- rituals to bring you closer together -

a sacred container, supported by sisterhood.


an opportunity to connect with sisters to celebrate pivotal moments and friendship in the most divine, luxurious way.


celebrate your soft side, your wild woman, your maternal, your eros.

feminine embodiment. authentic relating. creative expression.

become liberated in your expression amongst the power of women.

relate. share truth. be witnessed. reclaim the wisdom that women innately hold.




womens circle, healing, self love, hens party, bachleorette



Add to the experience:

- collective earth mandala

- crystal sound bath

fire|Shibari performance
- Dance workshop

-tantra workshop
- fire ceremony

- catered food

- awake water




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